Thursday, August 3, 2017

Videos tutorials on Open Source GIS

An open source application, by definition, is software that you can freely access and modify the source code for [1]. Open source GIS programs like QGIS  (otherwise known as Quantum GIS), have succeeded in overcoming restraints of the first years and with the help of the international, scientific community, they show remarkable results in elaboration and efficiency of geodata analysis and beyond, through several geospatial modules and projects.
Self tutorial approaches on these projects can be done through manuals. However, a significant contribution and evolution in self-learning/free-learning is the provision of several videos tutorials (as we've approached in other posts in 2012 and 2014) on Open Source GIS programs, freely available to the public by TutorielGeo, through youtube.

 Tutorielgeo website

A more systematic approach on this method can be exploited in many ways: by schools, by academics and universities, by governments, by privates, by students, by simple end-users and much more, so as to develop spatial skills and awareness to the public to enhance their activities, providing further benefits to the society.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

NASA Europa Challenge 2017

This post contributes to the announcement of Dr. Suchith Anand as regards the launch of the SMARTIES Entrepreneurship competition [1],[2] through the NASA Europa Challenge 2017 [3],[4]. 
SMARTIES will provide 5000 GBP for awards (£2500 for First Place, £1500 for the Second Place and £1000 for the Third Place). Due to the nature of the funding, the SMARTIES Entrepreneurship awards are specific to all UK and India students who participate in the NASA Europa Challenge 2017. 
This is a contest where everyone wins just by playing!  
Help your city and thereby the cities of the world with capabilities all cities need. We are in this world together, let’s deliver results ‘for the benefit of all’, the NASA motto. 

We look forward to work with you to create a world that is more accessible, equitable and full of innovation and opportunities for everyone.

Best wishes,


Dr. Suchith Anand



With my wishes for best of success,

Dr. Avraam Mavridis

Monday, February 27, 2017

Changing for the Better the World with the help of GIS Technologies and Google Earth

Getting inspired by a later post of Google Earth Blog and the corresponding video (click on the image below), I've approached the importance of establishing a web platform / web-based bank of successful geospatial examples (best practices) on exploiting Geospatial Technologies towards Changing for the Better the World (GeoTCBW). Therefore, a new page will be created in GISBIOENVINET towards that goal, expecting the contribution from all of you by sending to my email ( any new, or old successful example (best practice) that you know on exploiting Geospatial Technologies Towards Changing for the Better the World, and I will upload it on the page by adding your name. Please don't forget to have as title of the email the acronym GeoTCBW.

Maybe, this kind of collection could be inspirational for current and future, restless spirits of geospatial,  innovational advancements for earth's benefits. Even more, such accumulation of Geospatial Excellence could be supportive and helpful to national and international organizations to overcome burdens of current unsuccessful efforts, so as to provide a future of opportunities and successful accomplishments for Earth.

Dr. Avraam Mavridis

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARKS, a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development

UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. Their bottom-up approach of combining conservation with sustainable development while involving local communities is becoming increasingly popular. At present, there are 120 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 33 countries. Information sheets on the UNESCO Global Geoparks by country are available, with detailed information on each site.
UNESCO’s work with geoparks began in 2001. In 2004, 17 European and 8 Chinese geoparks came together at UNESCO headquarters in Paris to form the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) where national geological heritage initiatives contribute to and benefit from their membership of a global network of exchange and cooperation.
On 17 November 2015, the 195 Member States of UNESCO ratified the creation of a new label, the UNESCO Global Geoparks, during the 38th General Conference of the Organisation. This expresses governmental recognition of the importance of managing outstanding geological sites and landscapes in a holistic manner.
The Organization supports Member States’ efforts to establish UNESCO Global Geoparks all around the world, in close collaboration with the Global Geoparks Network.

UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARKS, a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development

UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. Their bottom-up approach of combining conservation with sustainable development while involving local communities is becoming increasingly popular. At present, there are 120 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 33 countries. Information sheets on the UNESCO Global Geoparks by country are available, with detailed information on each site.
UNESCO’s work with geoparks began in 2001. In 2004, 17 European and 8 Chinese geoparks came together at UNESCO headquarters in Paris to form the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) where national geological heritage initiatives contribute to and benefit from their membership of a global network of exchange and cooperation.
On 17 November 2015, the 195 Member States of UNESCO ratified the creation of a new label, the UNESCO Global Geoparks, during the 38th General Conference of the Organisation. This expresses governmental recognition of the importance of managing outstanding geological sites and landscapes in a holistic manner.
The Organization supports Member States’ efforts to establish UNESCO Global Geoparks all around the world, in close collaboration with the Global Geoparks Network.

Monday, May 16, 2016

GIS and Landscape Architecture

Combination of different scientific disciplines could provide an extra value of advanced accomplishments that could be difficult to be achieved without the contribution of some inspired and innovative individuals, either from a research institution, or from a university department, but this could be also achievable in the public sector too for the bennefits of citizens!
The Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS, one of the most ground-breaking and innovative county department that promotes the use of Geospatial Technologies to the public, has approached the combination of GIS with Landscape Architecture in an integrated and widely-distributed-to-the-public,  way.

The following message is coming from their portal :
" On  Tuesday, May 3rd,  the Board of Supervisors received and filed the Park Needs Assessment Executive Summary and discussed the draft language for a proposed park funding measure.
park_needsThis was a very GIS-intensive process, resulting in a large series of maps that profiled park needs across the County.  Each Study Area was profiled, and a report created that contains a base map, park metrics, map of where parks are most needed, amenity quantities and conditions, park need framework, project cost estimates, and submitted project reporting forms.

It is a ground-breaking method for engaging the community and communicating highly complex analyses in a straightforward and open manner.

The Board directed Department of Parks and Recreation Regional Park and Open Space District staff to return to the Board on Tuesday, June 21st for further discussion and possible vote on the potential park funding measure. In an effort to continue to get the word out and inform the public on the outcome of the Park Needs Assessment Report and the draft ballot language, we are partnering with the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust to conduct 11 regional public meetings throughout the County this month that will cover these two items.
You will find the final park Needs Assessment Report at "

Many congratulations!!!

I hope your pioneering work to be an example of excellence to other municipalities and counties all over the world!

With best wishes for new accomplishments,

Dr. Avraam Mavridis

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Two scholarships for the MSc in Geoinformatics (for international students)

Look here, at the page of M.Sc. opportunities for two scholarships for the MSc in Geoinformatics (for international students) in the Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster, Germany.